I would like to start by saying thanks for all the great info I have been able to get here, you answer all my question fast and accuratly so thank you for that! I need to pick your brain once more with 2 other plants 1 seems to be a small palm but I am not sure! 2 Unknown They both came with genaric care instruction but no names It does say zone 4 on the care but I don't know if that is helpful or useful info Please explain Thanks again Ellen
I have to disagree about plant #1. It looks like my absolute favorite plant Chamadorea elegans, more commonly known as the parlor palm. They start off small but if you love them enough they can get monstrous.
They don't form clusters, but they are most often sold together in large clusters, with several plants per pot.
It is indeed Chamaedorea elegans and this is often sold as clumps of seedlings like many palms. Also Chrysalidocarpus is now known as Dypsis,and it too is sold as clumps of seedlings. I split mine up as they get too crowded eventually and suffer.