Looking for your experiences with this cultivar. Is it hardy, easy to grow, does it put on a good display for you?? Do you like it, hate it, is it your favorite?? Any input would be appreciated.
Must be one of the best. Good strong, branching structure and habit and form. Consistent flaming red fall colour, held for at least a month. Little pruning or dieback. Easily available at nurseries. Nice leaf shape. Don't think you could go wrong with this one, allowing it room to develop.
Hi, I'll second that opinion. I love it. I'm in zone 5 and it does beautifully. I like the dark kind of reddish/black branches against the green foliage, too. The fall color will absolutely knock your eyes out. I want to get the one Vertrees talks about that is like a "sister seedling" (Ichigyoji) that is an intense yellow/gold and plant it nearby. He says they make a "brilliant fall display." Kay Dye
Hi Zinzara I have this cultivar and for me is very beautiful !Is my favorite for the good autum colors, is good for dry conditions (if have the shade afternoon) the name remember me Japan !! Alex66
I have a 4/5 year old Osakasuki I planted in my front yard which is just over 6 feet tall that has developed into a very nice tree. Pictures attached from the Spring and Fall. Richard
Mine never displays the striking color in fall. I assume it is related to the sun and heat during summer. It might be performing better up there in BC.
There was another thread on this subject (good fall colour) I take it you do NOT get the necessary cold of autumn/winter?