Hi Some of it's leaves are turning red in summer, as pictured....what do you think is the cause and what should I do? Thank you!
Good morning Mani, mine is doing exactly the same this year. I believe it was due to the exceptionally dry Spring we had. It's showing signs of stress. Nothing to be done I'm afraid, other than to ensure the roots are kept moist and hope that they don't shrivel and drop before Autumn. Sorry I can't give you any better news.
Good morning Acerholic! Oh well, I guess that's somewhat reassuring to know that i am not the only one. Obviously, I'd have preferred it if neither of us had this issue. Hope you are enjoying the heatwave! Seems to be cooler today at least!!
I think @Xi-feng there in London has an Osakazuki doing exactly the same. So it looks this year we are all in the same boat. And as far as the heat goes, all change tomorrow that our maples will enjoy. Some relief for you also in very hot London. Have a good weekend.
Yep - just ran outside (dodging raindrops, the heavens have opened in London!) and snapped these. We're all the way into brick red on those leaves over here, so it's definitely widespread:
Has happened often to both of ours over the years, no need to worry about anything, other then enjoying the nice colours!
The same happened to a Redwine and a Bihoo. Since they're potted, I put them in the shade. I doubt that they will get green again (unless I prune them and they push new shoots), but I'm pretty sure the leaves will last until Autumn.
Hello everyone! My osakazuki started turning red 2 weeks ago and now most leaves have shriveled. Have your trees held up to their leaves? Etienne
Hi Etienne, it seems that Osakazuki's are doing this everywhere this year. IMO it's from water stress in the Spring. ( lack of). Looking at your photo, those leaves should drop and you may well get a second flush. But regular watering is needed. Remember, maple roots are near the surface and are more prone to drying out. They do like to be kept moist to thrive.
Oh... I don't know what the weather is like in Montreal at the moment, but to me that looks like a tree that has some heat stress. Do you water it regularly ? What is its exposure ? If you remove the brown leaves, do the buds at the base of the petiole look healthy ? Do new leaves appear ?... Mine is in almost 100% shade and is potted. No sign of any damage to the leaves so far and we've had a very dry, hot weather for weeks here, until two days ago when it rained at last.
Thanks for your replies :) I'm watering it regularly (as needed) . This tree is planted in the ground and exposure is full sun from 10h to 17h. The base is mulched with a generous layer of hemlock. No new leaves have emerged yet. Not sure about the buds, I'll have to take a look. I bought the tree in May from a local nursery. It had been shipped a few weeks prior from British Columbia. It was then showing signs of insufficient water as most leaves were burned (some as much as half the leaf). This tree has been doing ok until about 2 weeks ago when leaves started to turn red. Now that I'm thinking about it the reddening seems to coincide with the higher temperature we've experienced recently (25-32C around noon). Apart from the presence of healthy buds, are there any other signs that could indicate that the tree can make a recovery? Thanks again for your help :)
I'd like to have a solution, hundreds of miles away, not knowing the kind of soil it is in, etc. I'd say "trust your green thumbs" -- which I think is more of an encouragement than a piece of advice, but when you love trees, sometimes, you can "feel" what's wrong and act accordingly... I hope members from west Canada or a similar climates can give you more accurate diagnosis... A+K
Hehe don't sweat it Alain. I'll listen to my green thumb. I just got back home and dislodged a few dead leaves. There seems to be small green buds at the leave stems here and there. Hopefully life will spring back in this tree. I'll keep you posted.
You mentioned the tree was shipped from BC earlier this year. Likely a bit of stress encountered between getting it ready for shipping, then shipping, then replanting. I might suggest that the tree is going into recovery mode and allowing the young buds under the shriveled leaves to develop. Cutting off nutrients where they are not required in order for the tree to survive the transplant. As far as leaves turning red on the Ozakazuki, very common as mentioned. Here is a morning picture taken today from the top of our tree looking down. Lots of red coloration in the leaves.