Hello fellow plant lovers. I hope I'm in the right place to ask a question. Although I've gardened for the past 26 years I have only recently (past 2 yrs) planted roses. Last year I used a chemical rose food and the roses were great, but I'd like to achieve the same results using organic methods. Does anyone know a good combination for roses? I've planted a few David Austin, and ruguosa roses. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Bloodmeal and bonemeal can be used to add nitrogen to your soil, you can mix them with manure or compost. (Supposedly deer don't like blood- and bonemeal, but they seem to still like to munch on my roses.) You can use fish compost or water with a fish emulsion to add potassium, using composted or even fresh banana peels will work as well. Some garden centres and nurseries will sell organic mixes, you can ask at the centre if they sell a good mix for roses. Happy gardening!
I wonder if it would be worth trying a tea made of horsetail and nettles? A friend of mine uses this kind of tea on her garden, so may be it would work for roses as well.