The easiest one is probably extra-strength pickling vinegar. However, you've got to be quite careful to apply it only to the weeds, because it doesn't discriminate. The best organic weed killer is a goat.
I ordered Avenger Organic Weed killer off the internet. It worked awesome. its made from citrus oil and is OMRI listed and approved by the USDA National organic program. even smelled like organges. Give it a try.
Thanks for the tip on Avenger. I will give that a try in my garden which I am trying to keep organic. Now, if only I could keep the chipmonks away from my grape tomatoes... Oh, besides goats and fire, I have found shovels to be rather effective as well. Hito
I am looking for a source of 7% minimum vinegar in Courtenay BC. Anyone know where I might find some for sale?
Hi BBCO; Do you have a Home Hardware or Walmart? Home Hardware sells 20% and Walmart has the pickling vinegar but unsure of the % 2.5L Double Strength White Vinegar All Purpose Cleaner
Thanks for the response but when I checked in Walmart their pickling vinegar was 5% like everywhere else. I forgot to try Home Hdw, but will check it out soon.
I finally got in to Home Hardware today and sure enough that have 10% vinegar. I was delighted and will now give it a try. Thanks for the tip HollyHok
If your weed happens to be a grass, geese do discriminate. They will eat grass around just about anything in your garden. When they are all done, you also can eat the geese, if that's your thing. The downsides are that you have to fence the geese in or they will wander to greener pastures, literally, and you have to provide them grain or other substitute if they run out of grass.