dear folks this is my first posting at this site which i just became a member of and i have been growing many different kinds of fruit trees organically for the past 11 years fulltime here in nw arkansas on the oklahoma border 10 miles north of natural dam in the ozark hardwood forest and boston mountains on my 32 acres here and i utilize about 8 or 9 acres for this purpose and am always expanding it and the rest of the property i leave wild for the deer and other creatures and i have many many many beautiful trees on my property and black walnuts are like a weed tree here and it is very pretty where i live in a valley setting and still quite wild and rugged terrain here that inhibits development plus the distance to an urban setting like ft smith or fayetteville; i am writing to this fforum to try to find out about a hard fungus that is plaguing me and a certain type of my plum trees more and more and this fungus is hard and takes over the tree and i have tried to use different things and am using copper sulfate solutions now and other copper type solutions one from "gardens alive" now and one is blue and the other is a grey powder, a bordeaux mix, and it seems to weaken the stuff but not kill it and it is very hardy and i have literally a hundred or more on some trees and i have been using a smaller paint brush, quite small, and paint each one of these things individually. also a good friend of mine that is an expert mushroom grower and expert in mycology in general in florida suggested to me that i use soap as he has used this successfully on his catalpa trees i think; and also i am having a terrtible problem with these boring moth/worms here and for instance discovered one of my best plum trees the other day with this fungus that i was treating that had sap coming out from the base and i suspect these borers are in the base and i am sick about it as it is one of my best trees and i have been treating the base with a pyrethrin type substance called viper, a dust, and also a dog bath concentrate of lindane, and mixed the two heavily and coated the base, and i have lost many trees especially red and yellow delicious apple to these borers, and i have had some good luck with sealing the base and the holes they make with a black tree sealant i buy in stilwell oklahoma at the feed store; and also i only plant pear and peach trees now and maybe will start with some nectarines this year and any information that i can get will be greatly appreciated about the above problems i can assure you and thank you very much peace and light to you all: ron koffman
Post a picture if you can of the fungus. Or search online for "black knot", which is a common pest of plum trees.