orchid tissue culture trouble

Discussion in 'Orchidaceae (orchids)' started by cfrasier, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. cfrasier

    cfrasier Member

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    New Jersey
    I am a graduate student and to earn my keep I help run a tissue culture lab. A student took home a petri dish of orchids and emailed me this question. I don't know the answer and would appreciate any information that someone may be able to share.

    Question: my petri dishes with the orchids and ferns
    were doin great and then all of a sudden one day the orchids all turned
    white except for a couple. i dont know y. thers some moisture inside the
    dishes and they were looking great and then bam white. i had them in a
    window that had some non direct sun-could they have not been getting
    enough sunlight? could they have ran out of sugar and starved? or not
    enough light? for a while i had them under a plant light could i have
    bleached them or maybe it was a bad light so it really wasnt giving them
    any help with photosynthesis?

    Thanks for the help.

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks like the dish may have overheated. Not sure about how strong the indirect light was, but if any direct sun hits dish, the inside can quickly overheat. Sunlight might also be too strong. I would recommend placing the dish under cool flourescent lights in a room where the temperature is around 25C.
  3. jmata

    jmata Member

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    From the picture, it looks like it's forming callus, once cell begin to undifferentiated, you need to begin adding hormones and other nutrients to get them to form embryos and then shoots. If the cells look brown, then they are oxidizing and need to be transferred to another culture.
  4. DirOCRC

    DirOCRC Member

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    Changchun China
    I would say to much light.

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