I'm heading to Edmonton Alberta for an Orchid Show on Feb 20. (I really need a 'fix' of greenery at this time of the year). I thought I'd talk a bit about some orchid etiquette for orchid shows. Be prepared - I've either prepaid or will a have a limited amount of cash for my purchases, I'll also bring containers and packing (at least in my car) to protect my purchases from weather. Don't expect a harried vendor to package a plant for shipment at the last second. Don't touch the displays -some of these plants are being judged and may be very valuable to their owner, who may have waited years to see blooms. I've seen many people reach out and grab at a flower to pull towards them for a better look. Don't pull tags from pots -misidentified orchids can be real pain when the plants cultural needs don't match the tag. Ask vendor for assistance. When photographing flowers respect the people around you who would like to see too. I'll have my tripod but won't use it if crowded. Try not bombard the vendors with general questions. The vendors can be quite busy after travelling to show and setting up. Either plan ahead or perhaps check at the society table for info. Don't over do it. People (like me) who are in the earlier stages of orchid addiction may buy plants that do not suit their growing culture or just buy more than can maintained. Hopefully people can get out and see some of these fantastic floral displays and meet other folks with similar interests. Shaun
Hey, arctic! Have a great time, safe travel, and take LOTS of photos. Speakin' for myself, I would love to see any and all...especially my favorites, paphs (warty, hairy, and dark) and phrags (long-mustachioed). Cattleyas and all others welcome! Looking forward to your visual treat.
Shaun - did you preorder your Ecuagenera stuff? They have some really stunning new hybrids in the Maxillaria, Masdevallia, and Phragimpedium classes.....
I preordered 4 Masdevallia species (gladulosa, hirtzii, meijiana and strobellii) from Ecuagenera. I presently have a Phrag but haven't flowered it so I won't add more yet. I was looking at Lycaste species too but I had to pare down my order. I had to leave some budget for spontaneous purchases. My favorite orchids are the ladyslippers so I'll be on the look out for some more Paphiopedilums (Vini, species, complex whatever). Shaun
Watch for the Acinetas as well - they're cool growers to begin with, and one of the growers (who I bet my boots will be at your show - everybody at the Expo here was headed for Edmonton when it closed down) has a new hybrid with really striking saffron and rust flowers (see pic - one of the parents was A. gymnostele, and who knows what the other was. They were'nt saying.) I would have given my left ear for that one, but I was broke at the time and had to pass it up...
Excellent points Shaun. Nice to see our show promoted here and that you are planning to attend. This year it looks like we will not have the fantastic warm weather we have enjoyed in the past years, so pack for cold! You seem to be a very considerate photographer, while unfortunately others are not - sadly we have had to limit the use of tripods in the show area to only Sunday, February 22 from 10:00 to 1:00 pm. We look forward to having you attend. Enjoy the show! DaveW
Thanks for the help Dave it all worked out fine. Nice show, lots of nice flowers on display, lots of plants at the vendors I could have spent way more $. As well as the 4 Masdevallia species from Ecuagenera I bought a Neofinetia falcata from J&L, a mini-Catt in bud from Bedford Orchids and a Lycaste skinnerii from Paramount Orchids. Shaun