Hello, I went to the Garden Show in Bangor Maine last weekend and I bought this orchid.The tag says Brsdm. Mark Rehfield 'Dragon Wings'. When I bought it only one bud was open, since then 8 more have opened. This is my first orchid. I watered it once - it drains well. It is in filtered light, and misted a couple times a day. Yesterday I noticed that a leaf is starting to turn yellow. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to search for this orchid on the internet to learn how to care for it, but I am having a hard time identifying the family, is it in the Oncidium family? Any information on the care of this orchid would be appreciated. Thank-You, Elizabeth
Looks to me like it's doing what comes naturally, shedding older leaves. The plant looks perfectly healthy. A quick google turned up this list, http://retirees.uwaterloo.ca/~jerry/orchids/names.html which tells me that Brsdm = Brassidium, the name used for all generic hybrids between Brassia and Oncidium. There is an explanation of hybrid names at this web page http://orchidlady.com/pages/orchidGarden/hybridNames.html
Thank-You TonyR, The information and links were most helpful. I had been worrying that I had done something wrong and it was getting sick. I didn't like the look of that yellow leaf. Elizabeth