I gave this orchid to a friend and want to make sure she cares for it properly. Not sure what kind it is or exactly how to take care of it. The vendor said water once a week and feed every other. If anyone can help i want to know the following: 1. What kind of Orchid? 2. Care Tips? (feeding,watering, etc..) 3. When does it bloom and for how long? Thanks
Looks to be a Dendrobium hybrid. Fairly bright indirect light, appreciates a good watering but can dry out completely (but not when in bloom). Most flowers of this type last about 3 weeks for me. Shaun
Here is a link to the type of Dendrobium you have and how to grow it. Keep in mind the temperatures are in Centigrade not Fahrenheit. http://members.optusnet.com.au/bdobson/Soft Cane Dendrobiums.html