Hi! Are Orange Dream and Shin Deshojo too sensitive? Both of my maples are showing what look like leaf tip burns - leaves that are at the end of the branches are mostly affected. I'm in Northern California and the weather lately has been around 60-68 F for the day and 45-50 F for the night. Some past days were windy as well. Maples are under the shade of the house for most of the day until around 4pm when the sun hits them. Is it the day heat that is killing the leaves or is it the cold nights? Will the leaves that have some burns recover and get bigger? Most of the leaf tip burns (or what looks like burns) are on baby leaves. The last week of February was when both the maples started leafing out. Your opinion please.
Re: Orange Dream and Shin deshojo getting burned? It's called too much sun and/or to much/or to little or the wrong type, of one or more nutrients. Or simply KISS, Orange Dream is made for the shade, and shin deshojo likes it later in the day. The dry winds with the sun is the culprit.
Thanks for the replies. Before, I had the Orange Dream and Shin Deshojo out in the open. I didn't think the 60-68 F temp and sun would burn them so soon. The weather doesn't even feel hot. Then we had a few straight days of STRONG wind. Anyway, now the maples are in the shade most of the day and against a wall. Thanks for your insight.
I have had some trees burn as well, yet it has not been as warm as your temps. It is the mostly the UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum that burns, not so much from the other end. This is the reason all opthalmic lenses are required to have a clear transparent coating ( you can not see it but it is there) to block UVA and B as well as to have a ( you can not see it but it is there) scratch resistant coating. AR cost extra, but it is worth it unless one does not value one hundred percent of their ability to see.