Orange Tree Dropping Immature/Small Oranges

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by pilot435, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. pilot435

    pilot435 Member

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    los angeles
    We have an older orange tree that usually produces a good crop.

    This year it is dropping almost all of it's fruit when they are 1/2" to 1.0 inch in diameter.

    Nothing obvious has changed in our treatment of the tree (weather, water, etc.).

    Any thoughts or suggestion?

    Thanks in advance.

    Gene in San Pedro, CA
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    I am assuming the tree is inground. Was it any drier than normal? I have heard on the news that there has been an extreme heat wave in CA. I do not know if this included your area, but citrus trees will only retain the fruit that it can support and much of this drop occurs in June--it is called June drop--however, whenever there is any additional drought stress in the period between bloom and June drop, it will increase the severity of the fruit loss.

    Maintaining an adequate supply of water in the period between bloom and June drop without overwatering will reduce that drop.
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    The hot weather that LA had, along with the Santa Anna winds, will greatly increase the incidence of June Drop. Type in the words Citrus June Drop on your computer and you can read all about the causes. All oranges are affected, but Navel Oranges are especially prone to sever June Drop. Watch the weather, and when hot, dry, windy weather is forecast, water your citrus trees two days in advance.- Millet

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