Yes, I know - they 'look like' nasturtiums, but they're not. I already have those. This isn't the same leaf. Here are 3 pics of the flowers I found growing in a garden on Parkside Drive in Toronto. It gets a western light.
Poppies (Papaver), one of the dwarf species. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum) have quite different-looking flowers, with a different symmetry, and spurs.
Thanks Thanks, Ron - that's very helpful - at least I have something to call it now. I didn't know that about Nasturtiums. I took a couple of dead heads and dried them so even if I get a few sprigs of it in a pot this spring, I'll be happy.
Hi WCW Just a note to improve germination shake the seeds out ot heads and store in the a paper bag in the freezer compartment of your fridge , untill you are ready to plant. Then take the bag out and let it sit an your water heater for @ 3 to 5 days before planting. I have a 70 to 75 % germination rate doing it this way. Also plant them dirrectly into you year round container/ area where you want them as they do not like to move after. Good Luck doug