Hello again, this site is so useful. Does anyone have any tips on planting Date, Orange and Kiwi seeds? I've recently become obsessed and need to plant every seed I find! Currently, I have Orange and Date seeds soaking in water. I've also planted a whole Kiwi and some Orange slices(with seed inside). They are in separate pots. I've already read a few tips but, there's so many different ways out there. Does anyone have any tried and true methods?
Here's how to propagate citrus. http://members.aol.com/citrusweb/pdf/propagation.pdf Growing oranges: http://www.easyfruit.co.uk/oranges/index.html Propogate kiwi: http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/kiwifruit_ars.html http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/crops/Kiwifruit_Propagation.pdf http://www.homeorchardsociety.org/article/22/ Dates also have male and female plants and I'm thinking you just want the fun of growing one and aren't looking to harvest dates some day. From this site: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/tisscult/biotech/datepalm.htm Newt
LPN, glad you liked that. I forgot to include this site on germination of date palm seeds. http://www.personal.u-net.com/~treetops/germinat.html Newt
Phoenix species are dead easy from seed and need no pre-treatment. No wonder the date palm has managed so well in many parts of the world. I have a Cretean Date palm - Phoenix theophrastii (probably 25 examples) that I grew from seed and now resides in my garden. It's a small one gallon specimen and has managed quite happily dispite a nasty winter here on Vancouver Island. I'll check that link Newt and again thanks, LPN.
Just read that peice and also in the Troubleshooting section regarding Trachycarpus germination ... "Trachycarpus Germination - the seed that nearly defeated me!" I've never experience the difficulty that this poor fellow had. They sprout like weeds here without any cleaning. Cheers, LPN.