Planted Red's and Vidalia's at the same time,watered the same,but the Red's are falling over for some reason,,anyone having or have had this problem? They don't seem to be dying,, just lying over!
Onion tops fall over when they are ripe; it seems that the Reds ripen earlier than the Vidalias. They look pretty normal to me.
Uh oh. We discovered onion root maggots in our shallots yesterday. May have attacked your onions too. We just removed the afflicted and hope the remainder are not affected. We'll plant elsewhere next time.
Have onions as well, and the tops will fall over. How long ago did you plant them. Have they gone to seed? I would pull one and investigate how the onion is doing. It can be planted back in after being pulled if you don't want to use it now. I am living in a snowy/winter season area and it isn't unusual for gardeners here to winter onions in the ground. I picked some out when they came back up this spring and left the rest to continue growing until I wanted some in the fridge. Here is something new I learned about onions. I found some in a clump someone had dumped out of a pot and just left for composting. The green tops had been cut down quite short. Took them home, planted them as a decorative piece by ornamental grass. The tops grew new shoots just like onion chives would. So I think you haven't too many worries as long as they haven't been invaded by an onion loving bug.
Hi Guys Am new on here and know nothing about growing plants. Want to grow onions from the leftover bits i would normally throw away. What do i have to do to get them to the sprouting stage please. Thanks
Welcome,,you have to buy Onion Sets in the Spring or start them from seeds. You can't just throw a piece of Onion in the dirt and grow it. This Fall you can plant Garlic! Look up on Youtube "How to grow or plant Garlic or Onions" there are lots of good videos on there. GOOD LUCK! Tom
Hi Tom I have seen where the root part of the onion has been cut off and is sprouting new shoots from the top where it was cut, unfortunately the article became very uninformative from there and i am not sure whether i should leave my onion root in water or like the apple seeds i am cultivating at the moment leave in damp tissue paper or some other method to encourage it to grow. we are midway through summer so i thought this would be the ideal time to start this project. Thanks for your advice Mark
Hi Tom Just an update for you i gave upon trying to grow onions from left over bases. The water went brown and the parts of onion went green and mouldy. I bought some bulbs which i can plant between now and march so have planted 12 and will keep you appraised of how well they do. Good news i soaked some garlic cloves in damp kitchen paper and kept in a dark cupboard for 2 weeks i potted them yesterday and they are coming on tremendously! can get pictures if i can upload them to here for you to see. My next project is apple seeds which have been in the fridge for 4 weeks now wrapped in damp kitchen paper i am hoping they will sprout soon so i can pot them in a nursery pot and nurture them into juvenile trees. I am trying the same with cherry pips but not holding out any hope for them hope you guys are doing well Thanks for your help and advice Mark