I have a pair of forest pansy redbuds planted 3 years ago. Both were doing extremely well, blooming and producing new leaves. On this date in central to eastern North Carolina, these trees have beautiful foliage when all is well. And all is well with one of my trees. The other bloomed, developed leaves, and now they have wilted and died. The tips of the branches are dried out, otherwise, the branches are green and flexible. Any ideas on what went wrong with one, while the other, no more than 20 feet away, is thriving?
Probably a bacterial problem - redbuds are right up there with grafted Japanese maples for there being numbers of queries on the internet about dying back and similar issues.
We've had the same issue with our Forest Pansy's at work. I also lost an Eastern Redbud in my garden . I suspected Verticillium wilt. Anne