Here's a pic that I took last year of a backyard plant, I remember it has amazing white/pinkish blooms, reminded me of a hibiscus flower (sorta like this one). Second pic is the same plant, just in winter (it's just a cutting I'm going to root, first pic is of the actual bush in yard). THanks.
Leaves shown on left don't seem quite typical for it but leafless specimen in pot looks quite like Hibiscus syriacus. Also looks like it's already a complete specimen, with roots. If you mean you are intending to root cuttings from this one be sure to look up timing and methods specific to this kind beforehand. Can probably find it on internet.
Yeah RonG, that's what I meant, I just took it off a bush, put some rooting powder and stuck it in soil :P And, Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' looks like the one, flower also exactly :D RonG does his magic again.