Olive Trees

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Gardenlover, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. Gardenlover

    Gardenlover Active Member

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    Southern Ontario, Canada Zone 6a
    I recently visited my farm back home and noticed 10 of my olive trees not producing any fruit and with pooor shoot growth. It is a dry farming condition and the olive trees rely soley on rain for irrigation. At the time(last month) rainfall was low and I felt the need to give the trees a little boost with good fertilizing and irrigation. These same trees were not fertilized last year as rainfall was very low. I asked my cousin to haul some water with his tractor so we could water them. The 10 Olive trees are over 60 years old. I dug round circles around each tree not going past it's brances so the water can be held close to the trees roots. I applied:

    3 kg of ammonium nitrate to each followed by 300 kg's of water to each olive tree.
    A month passed and I did not see much of a difference. Could it be the water pushed the nitrogen down to low into the soil with this heavy watering?

    Was this a smart move?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Depends on if watering and nitrogen were what they needed. Really no way for any of us here to know.

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