I have been in the olive oil business for the last 12 years. Now I have immigrated to Canada and would like to study on the cultivation of olive trees in BC. There are over 700 varieties of olive trees in this world that grow in different climates. Perhaps one of these will grow in some places in BC like Vancouver. Vancouver has enough rain, its not very cold in the winter and the summers are warm. Any comments or info?
Hello Houram, There was some discussion of hardy olives in this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=4546&highlight=hardy+olives I imagine the wet winters would be more of problem for olive trees than the cold in this region. Maybe the drier regions of the province in the east if the temps are not too cold or dry areas of the Gulf Islands might be the most likely areas for successful cultivation.
try the cultivar arbequina it seems to be the one most garden centres sell. not really the best plant for bc as Eric says the wet winters in the lower mainland is a problem