I have an olenader that has drooping leaves it's been in a bright room without sun since October as i live in Montreal i water it once every 2 to 3 weeks why are the leaves drooping?
They like full sun and heat. I suspect the watering is adequate. I doubt you'd have serious pests. But not ever having grown one indoors...
Deciduousity in oleanders depends on where you're growing them. In parts of Italy (where they're native), and certainly down here, they're evergreens. How hot is it in the room where you've got your oleander? They don't like to get even a little bit nippy; if it's close to a window it might be reacting to the cold that's coming in through the glass. If that's the case, back it off from the window a bit and it won't be quite so grumpy. I've had them both in- and outdoors; they seem to like being outside better. But then again, I live in the tropics. A picture would help us figure out what's wrong with it. Has yours ever bloomed for you? They can be absolutely lovely and fragrant, especially the double-white varieties.
They will tolerate the occasional freeze, although a spectacular plant in Jacksonville, Florida (where it gets well below freezing) was conspicuously on the south side of the local newspaper office/printing plant. In central Florida, the plants will have more leaves in summer than winter.
i wll post a pic of my oleander this week maybe it will be easier to identify the problem.It s not in a cold room the temp is normal room temperature.....