Old mystery shrub

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Ontarian, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Ontarian

    Ontarian Member

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    Windsor, ON Canada
    I am guessing this shrub was planted when the house was first built over 80 years ago. It has purple flowers with yellow stamens that appear in the spring - like now.

    This is in Southern Ontario. The bush was trimmed to a hight of about 7' last summer. I plan to let it go higher this year. I have to keep removing lots of suckers from low down on the thick lower branches and root outcroppings. The short main trunk is about 1' in diameter where it meets the ground.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2012
  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
  3. Ontarian

    Ontarian Member

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    Windsor, ON Canada
    Yes! Thank you Saltcedar. I looked up the Lonicera tatarica, and while at first I wasn't sure, it definitely is it. Several sites say its invasive; but I've had this property for close to 5 years now and have never seen a single seedling; only the suckers that will come up from roots, but as the roots don't spread far, its no problem. Small birds like to hang out in it. One silly bird even made a nest about 4' off the ground and then decided better and abandoned it.

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