Hi, I have an office and I want to have a lot of indoor, mostly hanging plants that will grow and make me feel like I'm in a jungle. It's a small office, which is why I want hanging plants (saving floorspace). So far I have 4 devil's ivy, and 1 purple passion. Any suggestions of other plants I can use? I could also mount plants on the wall, and would prefer plants that don't need too much attention. They'll be well taken care of (sprayed/watered), but I'm not a horticulturist or anything, so nothing that needs extremely close attention or special care. The office gets plenty of direct/indirect light from the windows. Thanks for any info!
Here's a list that you can look through: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/publications/houseplant/baskets.html Some are more widely available than others, and don't forget to consider light and watering requirements.
what's the lighting available? are there windows or will it just be fluorescent? if there's a window, what direction does it face?
thanks for the link and replies! The office has mostly indirect light alghough the sun shines in a few hours per day and I can pull open the blinds (or not). There are 3 windows, so it's definitely not dark, and faces south.
you might want to get some hoya - that lighting sounds perfect for them. they're VERY easy to care for, too. you could also do spider plant (comes in plain green and a variegated) and arrowhead vine (syngonium). there are many, many varieties of arrowhead with varying color patterns - some all green, some variegated and some with other coloring. pepperomias would be good and so would fittonia - there are many varieties of both, so plenty to choose from for leaf shape and different colors. most pepperomia are succulent (so low care) some aren't and need frequent watering. fittonia needs frequent watering - it's worth it though as it's a lovely plant.
A few other good hanging plants you might like (that are not fussy) is a Heart-leaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens) There is also a nice variegated form. You might like one of the many Wandering jew plants or a creeping charlie.
Hi, When I hear jungle I think lush, layered and broad leaved. The Sweet Heart philodendron along with golden pothos and marble queen pothos are all broad leaved and do not need as much light as what you already have. This will allow you to place them in a second layer behind or below your devil's ivy and purple passion and in the areas furthest from the windows. Complete that jungle feeling with an additional vine or two to fill in corners or odd spaces. Philodendron melanochrysum is very lush and colorful with large velvety leaves that wont spread outwards to crowd a small office space. All of these plants like indirect light, or semi-shade and all of them give you the choice of being hung, wall-mounted or supported by a tropical-looking coconut fiber pole. Give them a good watering (using room temperature water) once per week and feed them once per month with a good tropical houseplant fertilizer like liquid seaweed mixed with your watering. Occasional misting will make these plants look like they came straight from the jungle. These plant choices are also superior in removing chemical vapors from the office air. We just love stopping in Santa Barbara on our coast trips. Happy office gardening VanMarilyn
Ficus pumila is also worth investigating, though can be a bit overwhelming. One point to bear in mind, if you have lots of plants, you'll use a lot of water, and the air in the office will become very humid. This can damage some office equipment, furniture, etc.
Thank you for all of the replies, and I've taken note of the humitity issue, which I didn't really think of. I'll do a bit of searching of each plant mentioned (some of which I've heard or read little about) and start making it happen!
Hi, a good plant for any room is the Cast Iron Plant. It's name vividly describes how hardy it is. Victorian houses usually had many of these. They can stand up to dryness, heat, poor air quality, low light, overwatering, and even being droped 25 feet.(my 1st cast iron plant fell out of my apartments' window and survived!) These amazing plants can be a bit hard to find though. I got mine from a mail order catalog.I hope you can find one because they can really brighten up a dull office. greenthumb95
One of my favorite hanging plants is my Grape Ivy Cissus rhombifolia. Ideal for indirect light, too much sun makes the leaves transparent. Very easy to grow and extremely fast growing.