Re: To much water? Looks dried out. If this is a recent planting with an intact field- or potting soil root ball that may be dry despite the soil around it being damp enough to keep the lawn green - poke around inside the tree's root ball and check the moisture situation visually.
Re: October Glory Red Maple Your tree looks stunted and wilty, as though too dry - see my other response.
Re: To much water? It was played 2 years ago. We just had 2.5" of rain this week and record rain in May and June in North Texas. I have been deep watering the past 8 weeks. It might be a wilt.
Re: To much water? If there is a dried out original soil ball that may be shedding or repelling water, I would definitely inspect the original ball before I decided the tree was surely moist or wet all the way through.
Re: To much water? If the oak was killed by honey fungus (oak root fungus) and it has spread to the maple that could produce a similar appearance to drought stress as the fungus attacks the roots or crown, deprives the top of adequate water. Again the next step is to examine the rooting area of the tree for clues.
Re: To much water? This shows the importance of giving as much information as possible at the outset of a problem question.