I will start off by saying that I am a maple tree newbie so please bare with me here. I bought an October Glory Maple Tree back in April and planted in my front yard. It has since grown beautifully as you will see in the third (3rd) picture I am attaching. I have two questions that I need help on: 1. The leaves are supposed to turn a bright red color in October, hence the name (October Glory) Is it because I have had a fairly mild fall to this point, that the leaves havent changed yet? 2. I do have very few leaves that are changing red but they are badly spotted black/brown. I am attching more picture for your observation. What is causing these spots and what can I do to stop them? Keep in mind the following facts: -I live in Central Virginia where the average temp here so far has probably been around 75 degrees F. -I Covered the ground with Mulch when I planted it back in April. -The Tree may get too much water because when it is not raining, I do water the lawn every night and the sprinkler does reach the bed of the tree. -I have applied a few applications of fertilizer. -I have treated it for insects. Anymore information you may need from me, please ask.
Hello nastyj, I think you have a fine maple, it looks in good shape. It is not unusual for a maple to show less color until it is well established. Also the hot temps will contribute. It may just drop its leaves, but don't worry about the spotting otherwise. The overall aspect is very healthy, so it looks well on its way. This maple likes water, don't worry about overwatering unless there is standing water. I'd stay away from the fertilizer til next year, though. -E
Thank you for the fast response Emery. Would you reccomend me spraying the leaves with a fungicide though?