First favourite: Salvia mexicana 'Limelight'. We think this is new. It's big and showy, with the yellow bracts and fuzzy purple flowers. Favourite leaves, not even for the colour - I've just always liked these leaves, maybe because of the distichous arrangement (with the leaves alternating in two rows). Tetracentron sinense. Disanthus cercidifolius has similar leaves but better colour. Nadia got me so involved with these tiny flowers I forgot to photograph the leaves. I did pay attention to these leaves on Enkianthus campanulatus in the north garden, one tree with red flowers and one with yellow. Room for one more in this posting, so here's Dead Man's Fingers for Halloween, Decaisnea insignis.
This is Nadia's photo. It's looks so golden and magical, and the colours go so well with this thread; it really was great out there today.
We forgot to mention Callicarpa(beautyberry), the best time to see it.Picture is taken already after leaving the garden