I want to plant some acorns - can someone tell me what kind this is. this first one has a single trunk that's straight and about 16 inch diameter with whitish gray and darkish gray patches of bark, about 60 feet tall at least.
Again, a photo of the underside of a leaf with a 15cm ruler (and try to make the pic a bit brighter!!), plus location of the tree, please.
Thanks! I'm thinking perhaps Quercus texana, given the prominent yellow hair tufts in the vein axils on the underside. Q. shumardii also has them, but usually has a broader leaf with the lobes more prominently divided into 3 broad sub-lobes at the tip. Not sure about oak #2, which doesn't have any tufts. There is a very good USDA Forest Service field guide to oaks, downloadable for free (pdf file) which would be worth getting; it used to be available from this address: http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/native_oaks.shtml but the USDA Forest Service website is in chaos with re-organisation, and I can't find where it can be obtained from at the moment. Even their own search facility still gives the old web address! I've got a copy I downloaded a while back but it is too large (8.4 MB) to attach here.