The plant is very prolific growing in hugh swaths along the Taconic Parkway -- right up to the curb. The picture is of the flower/plant in a bucket. Flowers are not large (< 1") Soil tolerance must be extremely high -- hard/rocky. Blooms appear in June (zone 6 and north) and are fairly long-lived (weeks) Apparently very drought tolerant but can withstand road run-off flooding. Will grow in mowed areas -- and flowers at (highway) mowing height (3-5"). Left alone, I'm pretty sure I've seen them grow to at least 2 feet if not more. Any ideas? It so tolerant and low maintenance I've got so much use for it... But it doesn't seem to transplant well =--perhaps because the roots rip too easily when removed from hardpan soil.
sorry! thanks for any help. I was confused by the attachment process and didn't have a chance to sign-off and thank. Wow, that entry really checks a lot of boxes! Comparison of the flowers' shapes seems a little dodgy (esp. the orange/red). This puppy does bear researching. I'm hoping its not on NY's invasive species list:New York Invasive Species Information – New York State's integrated invasive species databases and information clearinghouse Thank you very much for the lead.
aaarghhh. Its pretty nasty and ranks 7/10 on the ecological impact.
yeah, dodged a bullet. I've spent the last number of years (attempting) eradicating Stiltgrass from my prop. Great success, but that last 1-2 %...