I've recently received cashew nut and almond seeds (or nuts in the shell). How do i come about properly planting them?
The cashew nut won't grow, the extraction process kills the seed. The almond might grow, if it hasn't got too dry.
if you got a raw cashew be carefull the seed coat contains a very nasty caustic substance and donot try to eat it raw the nut itself has the substance also
Yep. Close relative of poison-ivy, and just as nasty if not more so. That's why they need careful processing before the kernels can be eaten.
Ah that might explain a problem I have when eating too many at one time!!! May be the stuff is still there to some degree in plain processed ones. Interesting thankyou Liz
Quite possible, if any of the urushiol oil in the shells contaminated the kernels. A good processor would avoid this risk, but someone who does it badly might not.
whats crazy is i get no affect from eating chashews i donot buy offbrands of them knowing the process of roasting them is not an easy one i would rather pay a lil more for done right nuts. but i am allergic to mangoes brazilian peppers and poison ivy and cashews are in the same family as all of those so the sap would more than likely bother me on cahews also. i had bought a plant not knowing they where related i was not gonna bother with the nuts i was wanting to try the stem fruit that develops just above the nut but when i found out they where related i got ride of the tree donot want to risk it. but the friend i gave it to had it produce fairly quick the plant was probably 3 years old when it produced for him so at least its not a 10 year wait like some of the fruits i have growing from seed. good luck with growing one just do allot fo research before trying to roast them. my understanding is that you can not just throw them in the oven and roast them it would run everyone out of the house
Your right re quality. I did not check where they were imported from and they were prepacked at a wholesaler so anything is possible. I am now OFF cashews after this bit of info :) Liz