Hi Vancouver and mainland residents, Just want to inform you there is a big tree and garden nursery store in Richmond, BC called "Bloom" and they are in liquidation sale, all plants has to go in a big 10 acre farm. I just bought three big red JM trees (Bloodgood, Suminigashi, Nuresagi), around 8feet tall, for less than $100. I don't know when they started selling but they have a LOT of plants. Reimax is actually selling the entire place for $3M posted in a sign at their gate. I am planning to dig and throw out my cedar hedgings to make room for some more japanese maples that I plan to buy there. Important tip: -make sure you bring a BIG vehicle when you go. Store is located corner of Westminster hwy and No. 7 road in Richmond.
I think it is still going on till now, they have lots of plants so I think it would take them a while to sell all those even if they are all at a good price. Although the best stuff may be sold by now. Last week they still have about 70% of the trees on the ground compared to what I saw last year, when they're still in full operation, and about half is sold on their green houses. Try looking for their number in an old yellowpages, their store's name is Bloom's or Bloom in Richmond.