Hi, Can anyone recommend a good nursery or two in Seattle? One that has a good variety of tropical and temperate garden plants & palms for sale to the general public? thanks
I searched these in google: http://www.swansonsnursery.com/ http://www.skynursery.com/ http://www.westseattlenursery.com/
I don't know where you are headed in or around Seattle, but I'll try to help. I live 16 miles west of Mt Vernon. I assume your coming down I-5. So, in Mt. Vernon take the College Way exit East. Summer Sun is several miles East but is a great, friendly Nursery. 4100 East College Way. Just google Summer Sun Nursery. Also, if you get off I-5 just a couple of exits later, and head West toward Anacortes on Hiway 20, out in the flats where the tulip festival is, take a right turn or south on Best Road and look for Christianson's Nursery at 15806 Best Rd. www.christiansonnursery.com If you are going to be So. of Seattle and Sea Tac airport there is Furney's Nursery on old Hiway 99 now called International Blvd., at 21215 International Blvd. www.furneysnursery.com I really try to stay away from all of those places because they are both a really bad habit for me. barb