I was checking out an Italian webpage to add to the Plants Identification Resources page and discovered it features on the home page nine very detailed pages on morphology of plants with good drawings and illustrative photos. The site is Acta Plantarum - Home Page, or in English translated by Microsoft. The translation seems remarkably good, though the labels in the diagram pictures are of course not translated. A lot of those plant parts are cognate to words we use, though. @Daniel Mosquin, I was going to start a Resource page for Plants: Science and Cultivation, to record this site, but then I couldn't decide if it really belonged in Plants: Nomenclature and Taxonomy. What do you think? Science?
Noticed one or two errors in it, e.g. they list Pinus leucodermis (a synonym of the earlier name Pinus heldreichii), and the first photo of Pinus pinaster is actually Pinus pinea.
Not sure what the different parts of the site are (my Italian is very poor!), but here & here for P. heldreichii, listed under its later synonym P. leucodermis: Scheda IPFI, Acta Plantarum Pinus leucodermis Antoine - Pino loricato - Forum Acta Plantarum While the first photo on this page is P. pinea, not P. pinaster: Pinus pinaster Aiton - Pino marittimo - Forum Acta Plantarum
The recommendation here is, when clicking on the words "in English" in my posting, to look for this area at the bottom centre of the page that comes up, and click any of the buttons. That's the part I'm asking about, but you've indicated that you're not commenting on errors in that area.