I bought this as Sisyrinchium narcissiflora. However there is no such plant that I can find on www. I don't even think it is right as Sisyrinchium. Please does anyone recognise it..I want to have a correct id?
It's not fair not to show us the plant - like what the leaves look like, and how many flowers there are on a stem. Seeing the calyx seems to rule out tulip, though. I just came across Sisyrinchium albidum. It looks sort of like it in the photo here: Ondine's Curse: white blue-eyed grass but in other photos there seem to be fuzzy things under the flower (sepals? bud scales?).
Not easy to take a clear pic of the whole plant. It is rather thin, weak and wobbley. Flower now fully open. So far 3 open flower ..one more still to appear. Scale...see it against my finger. Sisyrinchium that I know do not have the tubular flowers. Hope new pics will help!
I think it is Olsynium biflorum. I see this listed as a synonym of Sisyrinchium narcissiflorum on at least one Website. I don't think N. narcissiflorum is a valid name.
I am most grateful for your help Eric. Everything fits/pics..description etc. Brilliant! Under Olsynium biflorum it led me to its old name of Phaiophleps biflora . Quote from link below... "Sisyrinchium odoratissimum). Forming small tufts 15-45cm (usually 20-30cm) in height from a short, tough rhizome. Leaves arching, rush-like, pointed, 4-20cm long, evenly and smoothly ridged longitudinally. Flowers in nodding cymes of three to seven, 3cm long, trumpet-shaped, cream to pale yellow, more or less purple-veined and sometimes flushed the same colour, on peduncles 4-11cm high, early to late summer in the wild. Argentina and Chile from southern Patagonia to Tierra del Fuego in grassland, low scrub and coastal steppe, from sea level to 1000m.! http://encyclopaedia.alpinegardensociety.net/plants/Phaiophleps/biflora Pacific Bulb Society | Olsynium http://spezialplant.nu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/803436745_Olsynium-biflorum.jpg It is rather cute! Just found this... here Olsynium biflorum Streaked maiden Sisyrinchium narcissiflorum Sisyrinchium odoratissimum Phaiophleps biflora Huilmo Care Plant Varieties & Pruning Advice Botanical name Olsynium biflorum Other names Streaked maiden, Sisyrinchium narcissiflorum, Sisyrinchium odoratissimum, Phaiophleps biflora, Huilmo