This has some of the characteristics of a sensitive plant, but then doesn't. It is a plant that just came up in my garden after I prepared the area from lawn to dirt. Not sure how it got there... lol.. It doesn't have many leaves on it. The one's it does have however, close up at night. It is left looking like a bunch of twigs. My Mother-in-law identified it as a sensitive plant, but after much research I haven't found any substantial proof this is a sensitive plant. It doesn't seem to be at all sensitive to touch or anything. Just when the sun goes down it closes up shop for the night and when the sun comes up it opens up for business again. It has some yellow flowers on it. It has grown quite fast, reaching 4-5 feet tall and 3-4 feet around in just a few short months. I am in zone 8b and we get plenty of rain and humidity. Please let me know if you can help me identify this plant. It is definately interesting. Also if anyone knows how to get seeds from it and grow them or clippings.. I'd much appreciate any insight. I'm really new to the gardening thing, but it is AWESOME!!!! Thanks in Advance, Kerri
Yes. Absolutely.. that is it. Thank you so very much. I never would have found it without you. And I can now have the pleasure of telling my Mother-in-Law that I now know the "correct" name of the plant! WOOHOO.... She's the gardener... I'm not.. It will impress her imensely that I was interested enough to investigate and find the correct name of one of the plants growing in my garden! :) Thank you for helping me to not look so blond!!!!! Kerri
You're very welcome, Kerri! I'd say you're well on your way to becoming a gardener!! Once you start researching your plants, you're hooked! :) Well, at least that's how it started for me. Now, I'm an obsessed gardener! :P (You should be able to get seeds from those pods. Other than that, I don't know about this plant.)
not to burst the bubble, but in Arkansas Cassia obtusifolia is a serious weed pest in row crops. maybe not so much where you are?
Well, I see it is a weed, and I can see where it would cause problems with crops. However I live in a highly populated area here and while there are crops here in SC there aren't any around where I am. People are asstounded by this plant (weed). Everyone wants one in their garden as it grows so fast and has the pretty flowers on it. I've kind of adopted a philosophy about "weeds". A weed is nothing more than something growing where you don't want it to. which means if you have a garden of corn.. a rose bush would be a weed. Kerri :)
yes, I unuderstand it is lovely to look at and the horticultural definition of a weed is a plant growing in an unwanted area, but I was trying to inform you that this plant is a pest not only in Arkansas, but South Carolina as well. Gardeners do have a responsibility when it comes to invasive species. This link shows the states where it is a problem. Down towards the bottom of the page is where it has its invasive information. As you stated "It has grown quite fast, reaching 4-5 feet tall and 3-4 feet around in just a few short months". I learned about this plant in my weed id course at the U of A and thought I would share with you what I know about the plant.
Thank you ever so much Dixie. I will definately look into that site a bit more in the AM and do some research. Living on an Air Force Base (as I do) the base commander wishes for our gardens to look beautiful at ALL times. A fast growing weed that is beautiful too is quite a treasure here. I will definately look into the site that you suggested though, and I will do what I can to keep this weeds' population to a minimum in my garden. (seeing as we HAVE to cut our lawns twice a week and keep the grass less than an inch and a half; I do not see that this plant is going to spread too awfully far in this very densly populated area of base housing.) Much thanks, Kerri
oh my, twice a week! that is a lot of work. maybe keep it to one plant? if you start to see it reseeding pull the seedlings. I'm not sure about your zone, but I think it is an annual here. good luck :)