Hey i need some help with this tree ive been looking to find one and dont know what it is my friend has this tree but doesnt know what it is either. I just bought a madagascar dragon tree thinking thats what this tree was and when i got it its nothing like the one in the picture. The tree thats outside is the one i own and the one thats indoors by the mirror is my friends. See the difference?? Maybe a different type?? Please Help
They are both dragon trees. It looks like yours is Dracaena marginata the species and your friend's is Dracaena marginata 'Tricolor', a cultivar.
Agree w/ Junglekeeper on both. Your friend's lookes like it could use brighter, indirect light. It's pretty leggy, probably reaching for light. She might want to cut it back and re-start the top. Bottom will send out a new shoot or two. barb