Hello! I need help identifying a problem with my norway maple! The leaves are turning brown/purple and curling. The problem affects only some (large) sections/branches of the tree, other sections look fine. Does anyone have an idea of what could be causing this? Disease? Insects? There are many norway maples in the neigborhood and they do not have the problem. In the first photo you can see a normal leaf on the left and on the right leaves I took from an affected section of the tree. Thanks!
Hi!! Did you ever find out anything about this? Mine is doing the exact same thing and I can’t find anything online about it!
No I never found the reason. It doesn't seem to have a big effect on the tree. Mostly the same branches seem to have this every year. The purple color I think might be normal but the leaves on those branches seem to curl and brown more.
It's autumn. Some origins of the species start to show autumn colours and leaf fall earlier than others, but in general, it is one of the earliest species to start autumn leaf colours. This pic from near me, 10 September 2019.
And pics from today, 31 August 2021; note that this is a single branch on a young tree that is otherwise still green, it is not a purple-leaf cultivar!