Northern BC Coast

Discussion in 'VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs' started by Georgia Strait, May 2, 2024.

  1. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink snow continues :)

    (i am not sure where to post this so I am posting here … @wcutler re: PRINCE RUPERT, BC)

    (@Acerholic you may be interested as well w UK connection).

    a few photos from beautiful Prince Rupert BC which is only a few miles from Alaska USA (the Panhandle)

    Photos taken the other day with a special and poignant heritage of « Japanese Cherries »

    Side note: did you know that Charles Hays of the Great Northern (now CN) railroad went to England to raise funding and Charles Rattenbury architect of BC legislature buildings designed a very fancy city —- we know Rattenbury expired (his mistress’ husband?) and Mr Hays sailed on a boat named Titanic - so the grand plans didn’t come to fruition

    In any event - one special aspect of Prince Rupert is a tiny fishing boat that was lost at sea on the western Pacific (Japan) and was found off our coast and is on display carefully sheltered in Prince Rupert with the family’s permission - an extra connection with Japan ( Prince Rupert is apparently closer to Japan than it is to Vancouver — hence the busy port & RR) See LINK below

    some of the Prince Rupert blossom trees were thoughtlessly cut by the federal building officials a few yrs ago (LINK) - I’ve attached a photo of the plaque explaining generously gifted proliferation of trees in PR

    if one compares Google street view to photo a couple days ago —- looks like some new trunks I hope

    meanwhile the other good news is lots of gorgeous blossoms a couple of days ago

    see photos pls
    And here is link for background info

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    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    Acerholic and Willard like this.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I have started this new Northern BC Coast thread. If someone thinks a better name is more suitable, tell me soon.

    @Georgia Strait, the Google Street View is from 2012:
    200 4 St - Google Maps
    I'm pretty confused here. My Google Street View says it's from 12 years ago. Those trees, planted in 1960, should have been 52 years old in the street view shot. 'Kanzan' trees should be a lot bigger than that in 52 years.
    So it looks like the city did replace the trees, maybe right away, as they seem to be quite a good size in only 6 years - similar in size to the ones in Google Street View that were presumably 52 years old. Maybe the original trees were not 'Kanzan', were a more rare and more delicate cultivar like 'Kiku-zakura' - they're the size of a 50-year-old 'Kiku-zakura' in Vancouver's West End.

    I'm also noting that in your screen shots, the photo icons are not entirely accurately placed, as the trees are on the north side of 4th Street and your photo looks like you were standing right there. I mentioned to @Willard last weekend that we could not use those thumbnails from the camera to figure out what side of the street a tree was on (when we could not remember).

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