Here's an April 10th (2004) photo of two palms in front of snow capped mountains in North Van. Wes: Nice palms.
Thanks Denis When you came by did you notice my cordyline? What should I do with it? The leaves are all turning brown now. Should I cut the trunk and how much should I cut it? Thanks again Denis. Next time you are headed our way let me know and I will make sure I am around.
Palms The palms in the picture are growing like mad. The smaller one flowered for the first time this year and it turned out to be a male. The taller one is a female. The trunk on the large one is now 10' and the smaller on has a 6' trunk. The fronds are 4' taller than the trunk.
I don't remember seeing your Cordyline. A brown Cordy may decide to send a green shoot at the crown(s). If a branch or main trunk flops, cut under the soft/rotted area. If the center of the cut has rot, cut lower. A completely nuked Cordy usually appears from the ground if it froze after being established. Some folks had to cut all branches off the main trunk on their Cordy but many new branches appeared. Remove leaves that are completely brown. If the Cordy has little foliage, leave partially damaged foliage until full recovery. Now you can produce your own Trachys. I'm glad to hear that your Trachys have done well.6 ft of trunk is late for flowering. At around 3 ft to 4ft of trunk, Trachys usually flower. It's a good thing that Trachys are much tougher than Cordys. I'll try to visit again once I return to the Vancouver area. You're welcomed to visit my garden in Victoria. Cheers
Denis That was an old post on my cordy. It has 4 new shoots all about two feet tall already. I am in Victoria this coming Sunday and will be there till Tuesday early in the morning. I was suprised it took that long for my smaleer trachy to flower also but it was a male, all my others were females and they flowered at a much smaller size. Cheers.
October weather and t. fortunei I am finding that with this weather we are having in October all of my t. fortuneis are putting on good growth right now. They really do like this kind of conditions. Let's hope these temps and weather can hold for most of the winter.
I recently acquired a cold frame from my father-in-law. It in the backyard facing south. Hope this is ok place to put my tiny palms I started from seed this spring!
Hey Palm Nut I haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well. I too have two unheated small greenhouses I recently bought at Canada Tire. I have all of my small seedlings there right now. Let's hope for a mild winter. If it gets really cold you can put a string or two of Christmas lights inside it and they should be fine. I just built a cover for my c. microspadix that is in the ground and tomorrow I am building a cover over my chamaerops humilis. Both should be fine for the winter as both palms are fairly hardy. I will be covering my pheonix canariensis this year. I left it uncover last winter and almost lost it. All of my trachies are left unprotected except for the seedlings. Cheers
Wes..still here.. just been so busy with my website. I check in every now and then.. to see what's happening in the palm world. Hate this time if year.. should be getting ready to cover up my babies soon right? Looking to see what to do about my tree fern, my sago palms.. one is too big for the coldframe. my zamia furfuracea which grew about 7-8 leaflets this year plus smaller guys like the butia's, canary island, takis.. all were in 1gal pots this years..
Denis? Anyone heard from Denis? I haven't heard from him in awhile. Denis, if you see this let me know if you and Jeff are coming by in March. Jeff mentioned you might and I would like to get together with you two.
Denis, I noticed that you palms in BC wesite is down and I haven't heard from you in awhile. Everything OK? Are you coming by North Van this year? Make sure you look me up. Cheers.