A friend of mine gave me a small Norfork for Christmas about two years ago and we planted it in my yard next to the house. What I need to know is do the roots grow straight down or do they branch out? I am also wanting to move it to a more open space in the back yard, what are my chances of not hurting the tree in the move?
Most roots of most kinds of trees near the surface. If your climate - this is a tropical tree - and soil are suitable this will grow rather large in time. Lift carefully and move when top is not soft and growing actively, maybe next winter.
Katinca, hi my name is wyatt reinhart. My answer is the same as Rons, I think that if you just carefully tranplant the Norfolk Island pine into the open ground and then water it in thoughly it will do just fine and will thrive for years in your california backyard. Hope this helps,Dogseadepression