Norfolk Pine

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by tgt, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. tgt

    tgt Member

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    Marsden, SK Canada
    I have a Norfolk Pine that has 2-3 main stems. Should I break the plant apart and repot each plant? I keep it in my front room which faces west. I keep the plant in the south east corner of the room and i have been noticing that the plants is drying out ( i try to mist it ever day or every other day) plus i have a humidifier in that room which i run on occasion. Is there a better location in my home that i can place this plant so that the leaves will not dry out the way they have been? I have no windows that face south and two that face north the rest face east and west. ant suggestions and growing tips on the norfolk pine would be appreciated. Thanks!


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