Question: I'm pretty certain that is the proper classification, but was curious if this is wine worthy or edible only. I do believe it is wine worthy, but am uncertain of which variety. Leaning towards Zinfandel, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot, but have no idea how to narrow it down from there. I can pull a few leaves and get a higher res pic if that would help. History: I moved into this place last summer and all the vines were on the ground burried under overgrown grass. It has some leaves but wasn't producing any grapes. I didn't even bother messing with it because it was mid summer. After an amateur trim about a month or so ago and some bailing wire on the fence, this thing is taking off. I am behind the curve on proper growing techniques, but am vigorously reading. I would just like to identify the grape. Thanks in Advance! Photos: Picasa Web Album