My lime tree, about 7years old, is healthy, flowers, but never fruits. All other citrus in the garden fruit well. I've not grown limes before. Can anyone tell me if it should have fruited by now? I've given it a warning and it is under a stay of execution until I receive your advice.
Is it a lime grown from a seed? And was it a shop bought lime? If it was, you could be waiting another 3 - 7 years I think. Also, how big is it? Are you pruning it? If you're pruning it, you may be constantly delaying it from becoming mature enough to develop flowers and fruit. I'm no expert but these are some of the things that I've come to learn from the good people on this forum.
Have to notice, it was stated the lime IS flowering so it is a mature tree. Just not sure what to suggest to get the blooms to set. Is the tree getting fertilized regularly? does it look otherwise healthy?
Thank you Morbius and Lemon_Dreams, My lime is shop bought, a very healthy shrub which I prune occasionally to keep it about 4' tall. Lovely flowers and a healthy fruiting lemon grows beside it, so yes, it is a mystery why it doesn't fruit. Maybe our climate (9 degree celsius winter and 26 degree summer, 48 - 75 Fahrenheit) is not hot enough?