I have an indoor Gardenia, I've had it for 3 years and it has bloomed once. it hasn't bloomed in a year and a half. The leaves look lively and hearty, bright green, shiny leaves... Why is it not blooming?
Hello Menoeone, Gardenia's the fussy princess of flowers, like quite a lot of sun, you have mentioned that yours is indoors. During spring and early summer they benefit from all day sun and cool nights. This triggers them into producing buds. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Get a misting bottle too and give them a light mist a couple of times a day. They like their soil acid too, It looks like yours are nice a healthy so with a bit of luck you will be well rewarded in the not too distant future. Good luck
Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, I live in Vancouver, and if you're in Vancouver, you'll know, that our weather lately, is VERY uncooperative! We haven't had a lick of sun, and if I put it outside for even a second, it will land in my neighbors yard, 5 blocks away :-) I was thinking, perhaps I should put in under my desk lamp, which is not very hot, but certainly makes things "appear" sunny. and then mist it (away from the lamp) a couple of times like you suggested, do you think that's maybe a viable solution?
Hi, I have a gardenia (standard form) that blooms nicely for me and has taken on a fair size. I keep it outside during the warmer weather and overwinter it indoors. I actually don't keep the soil consistently moist - I let it dry out a bit and then give it a good watering (about once a week or so depending on conditions). When I bring it in, some of the leaves yellow and drop, but will stop once the plant adjusts to the different conditions. Even now it is flowering but not as profusely as it does outdoors - perhaps 3 or 4 flowers at a time. I have it right next to the window as whatever sun it gets right now is fairly weak. When it's outside, it gets southeast exposure, with a bit of filtering (I keep it under a pergola). Also, I give it bit of Miracid when it's enjoying its freedom outdoors.
Really a greenhouse plant, hence above comments. Flowering house plants generally need brighter conditions (to bloom) than those grown only for foliage can get by on. Try putting pot over a tray filled with water and pebbles, to provide humid oasis, near a bright window or lamp that is on for long periods.