I have 4 ukigumo's and 2 butterfly maples that aren't showing any variegation. They are newly grafted and have the typical leave shape of the cultivar. Have other people experienced this?
Yes. This spring, I had a 5 grafts done from a highly variegated Ukigumo. The scions came from branches that showed heavy variegation last season. When the grafts leafed out, all of the leaves were green, not a speck of variegation. I am surprised as those branches had variegated leaves last season, but this year they are all green when grafted. I am hoping that the variegation will showup next year. xman
‘Ukigumo’ can show very little variegation, if any, if it has been fertilized. I'm sure that your new graft has been given a feeding, as the goal is to get a little growth when young. It can take several years after planting for the colors to show. 'Butterfly' will show variegation at an early age. Your new graft is probably developing juvenal foliage. It may take until next year to show the adult variegation. Dale B.