Does anyone let their squash spread on the ground? I was thinking of letting the squash spread around my grassy area this year. Does it grow better spread on the ground or on trellis? I am growing the following this year: yellow crookneck Gold Rush zucchinni baby spaghetti squash Romanesco Thanks Helen
Hi Helen: I've always grown my squash on the ground. It saves a lot of weeding! The Gold Rush I grew last year did well but they spread a lot. I also grew (and have again) Papaya squash which is very pretty to serve stuffed. This year I'm practicing Square Foot Gardening so the squash are in boxes. I'm skeptical about how it will contain in the 4' x 4' boxes so we'll see how it goes! Ironically, I may end up having to trellis them! ;-) Lynette