... what this elegant plant is. This is the second one I've had - the first expired slowly to my great regret. This one, in a new situation, has been happier up to now, but the topmost crown is just starting to brown off, bottom leaves first (see closeup), which was the first sign of trouble last time. The plant shop told me not to over-water, and I've been following that advice. The plant gets abundant indirect light where it is, but no direct sun. Anything people can tell me will be gratefully received. (In Beijing, you need all the greenery you can get!) So info on ID, origins, how to care for it and what the browning off might signify would all be great.
It's a Dracaena marginata, or commonly known as a dragon tree. Iy grows in Madagascar, not sure if anywhere else. As the plant grows the bottom leaves brown and or yellow and fall. Yours looks pretty happy. Bright indirect light, water well when dry, or close to dry. Feed lightly, half strength or even less in the growing season because they are slow growers.