I just hate it when stores don't label what a plant is. I got this cute little plant when I went shopping earlier but I don't see any kind of a name tag on it anywhere saying what kind of flower it is. http://urwws.jazzerace.com/plant.jpg Any help would be greatly appreciated here! Thank you for your time!
Wow, what a name! Thank you, thank you, thank you kindly! ^_^ heh.. I guess now I know why they didn't put the name on the label. Probably wouldn't have fit on it! Thank you once again for your help! I really appreciate it!
heh ^_^ True. I guess when one sees a new (and sometimes big and powerful) name, it can be kind of surprising. Though I'm still not sure how my hometown got its name. I know there was a Native American by the name of Montezuma, but, from how I understand it, he lived quite a ways away from my home state, muchless from my hometown. But anywho. Thank you kindly!
Moctezuma was the head Aztec, who had the misfortune to be on hand for the arrival of Cortez' little band.
Ahh right! But still though, didn't all that stuff take place over towards Mexico, New Mexico, etc., not anywhere near Georgia? ~*takes a moment and hunts down that info*~ "The city of Montezuma was named for the Aztec leader by soldiers returning from the Mexican War." Hm... I guess that answers that one.