Hi @Nik - with most cap or cap-and-stem mushrooms, a shot of the underside is needed to help with ID. #2 looks to be a different species. cheers frog
Here is a shot from today of the two pictured above. Plus underside and a side view. It was very difficult to disconnect from the substrate.
And some random pictures from other species in the yard. This time of the year is the best for fungi in our yard. Numerous different ones... I love it. Too bad I cannot keep track of them...
RE: Hi @Nik - very beautiful find! Appears to be a Pluteus, but not one with which I am familiar: If you are interested in doing a spore print, you should see pinky-buff spore deposit if it is Pluteus.
1, 2. Amanita, section Vaginatae 3. Russula 4, 5. a different Amanita, also section Vaginatae 6. need underside shot, possibly also base of stipe: I see what appears to be a sharp colour change, a clear demarcation mid-stipe - does it look that way to you? 7, 8. need underside shot ... looks like it might have pores or teeth on underside.
Hi @Frog , I am now trying to do a spore print of the original thread subject. Sadly, in a couple of hours the squirrels have eaten the two in the picture, but I am using the third one, a little bit more mature, which already has gills that look pinkish. Thank you so much for identifying this one, but please do not bother with the other ones, I have given up myself... it is just too many... Anyway, you ID seems correct, genus wise, I will post the spore print soon. Many thanks!