Pekoppa! It's a's a plant. I kid you not. It's from the ingenious folks at Sega. Google and look. I want one---how 'bout you?
The mind boggles. Maybe one that would change color depending on light. Or send up new leaves or a flower stalk and bloom if it was happy!---Reminds me of a little ceramic owl my grandma I recall it had moisture-sensitive bits on it (flocked-paper sort of thing) that changed color with variance in humidity levels. Pink and blue. ---Whoa! Haven't thought of that for about thirty years!
Why not? I think of my non-plant-person friends...they try so hard, and are so sincere, but kill off every plant they get. Pekoppa would cheer these folks, I think. ---Let's see. Which do I prefer? Violent, disgusting video games...obnoxious walkie-talkie cell phones...ipods and suchlike with volume turned up so high that it's loud to me even though the user is wearing earphones...or a simple little plant that responds to sound and does nothing but make one smile. Which is my preferred use of electronic technology? Not the former. I think that Pekoppa would be great for folks in nursing homes or in hospitals where live plants are not allowed. Chacun a son gout!
OK but difficult for me to accept a pretend for the real thing. Then again a dying indoor upsets me so each to his own. Liz
Hey, folks...I got one! A dear friend purchased Pekoppa on eBay for me---it traveled all the way from Hong Kong. I gotta say it: It is the cutest thing EVER!!! One finds oneself talking to it as one would a pet..."How are you, Pekoppa? Are you a happy plant?" Now, I am not a sappy person...but this little plant just makes me laugh. Looks like a 2-leaved bean seedling in a terracotta-colored pot, about 5" tall. Sound-activated: bends its stem and waves its leaves in response to your voice, music, etc. I think its success is due to the fact that it looks realistic, and its motions are ones that plants do make. Sega might be on to something here: it was designed as a mood-lifting gadget, and it sure does work for me! Go Pekoppa!
Yeah, I heard on the news lately that they have these new robot seals that they are using in nursing homes to cheer up the elderly folk. The robot responds to voice and sound. It is the same idea as your Pekoppa plant, togata57, and it apparently has worked absolute wonders in cheering up the elderly and lifting their spirits! Unfortunately, not everyone is able to care for real plants or pets, so this is a way for them to still get the benefits. I think it is a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing togata57. : )
I guess I can add to my "House plant" speach for Garden Clubs. For those Challenged in raising house plants there are other solutions. They are: Genus Silkis, Genus Plasticus, and now Genus electronicus. ;)))))) barb