I recently purchased my first home. It came with this great cherry tree that produced plenty of healthy fruit the first season. Last year there was not any fruit. This year maybe a dozen are growing. The tree appears to be healthy. Do cherry trees have some kind of non-producing cycle? I am new at this game and need basic advice.
Very commonly, yes. One good crop every 3 or 4 years is normal around here, with a light crop or none at all in the other years.
Michael F, Thanks for the advice, but the valley I live in is the land of fruit crops in western Canada. I wonder if the commercial grower has the same issues.
Is it producing masses of flowers? Do you know what kind it is? Are there other cherries nearby in case the one you have is self-infertile (and if you are somewhat remote from other cherry trees, did a neighbour cut down some cherry trees that were previously close by two years ago)?