No blsooms on orange tree

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by gunner, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. gunner

    gunner Member

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    Huntington Beach, CA, USA
    Navel Orange tree I'm guessing about 5 to 7 years old (Huntington Beach, CA).

    Last year got about 24+ oranges off of the tree.

    Feed the tree every other week with iron and B1 (mixed in about 3 gal of water). Every 4 to 6 weeks it gets "grow power" and/or citrus fertilizer or some of both. The tree gets water from lawn sprinklers every 3rd day for 10 mins (from watering mainly the lawns, but it does flow onto the tree). Summer time gets deep watered about every other week or every two weeks. Gets good sun most of the day.

    No diseases, no fungus, tree looks great, some new growth. No blsooms?
    Any help would be appreciated.


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